Iz mehke gline sem oblikovala ovalne ploščice in vanje vrezala napise - imena rastlin, ki rastejo na mojem vrtu. Posušene ploščice sem pobarvala, glazirala in žgala. Potrebno je bilo narediti le še jeklene kavlje in počakati na toplo vreme.
I used clay to shape oval plates in which I engraved the names of the plants in my garden. Once dry I paint, glaze and burn them. All I needed then was steel hooks and waiting for warmer wheater.
Čudovite barve in struktura rdečega zelja.
Wonderful colours and structure of the red cabbage.
Cvetači tudi letos slabo kaže.
The cauliflower looks bad.
Tako sem bila osredotočena na plevel, ki sem ga pridno pulila kar nekaj časa, da sem šele proti koncu opazila cvetove in prve stroke.
I 've been so concentrated on the weeds I noticed the flowers and the first pods only on the end of weeding.
Čudovite barve in struktura rdečega zelja.
Wonderful colours and structure of the red cabbage.
Cvetači tudi letos slabo kaže.
The cauliflower looks bad.
Tako sem bila osredotočena na plevel, ki sem ga pridno pulila kar nekaj časa, da sem šele proti koncu opazila cvetove in prve stroke.
I 've been so concentrated on the weeds I noticed the flowers and the first pods only on the end of weeding.