Poleti se je zgodilo še nekaj: mamina teta se je preselila v manjše stanovanje in mi podarila kar nekaj pohištva. Ko sva ga šla s fantom iskat, nama je pokazala, koliko stvari nimajo kam dati in jih bodo morali vreči stran. Oba sva se zapodila v goro bolj ali manj uporabnih in nekaterih še povsem dobro ohranjenih reči in se počutila kot majhna otroka v trgovini z igračami. Nabrala sva za celo prikolico stvari, med njimi tudi kar nekaj okvirjev za slike. Še dobro, da sem jih opazila, saj bi bilo res škoda, da bi pristali v smeteh. In spet smo bili vsi srečni: jaz, ker sem dobila material za nove obešalnike za uhane, teta pa, ker se je hkrati znebila nekaj stvari, a je obenem vedela, da so prišle v dobre roke, kjer bodo pridno služile dalje.
Nastalo je nekaj novih obešalnikov za uhane.
This year I made it! I created a unique piece of usefull value. I've got an inspiration totally unexpectedly. I asked my both grandmums for old curtains and lace napkins, which they offered to me for so many times. We were all happy: my grandmums were happy because they could finally gave the lace napkins which you really need to have at least on your bedside table to their granddaughter and I was happy because they made me happy and I made them happy.
This summer my mums aunt moved to smaller apartment and she gave me some furniture. When me and my boyfriend went to get it, she showed us how many things will have to throw away due to lack of space. We both ran to the garage full of totally useful stuff. We felt like a kid in a candy store. I got some beautiful picture frames and again we were all happy: I got material for create new earring hangers and my aunt because she got rid of some things which will have nice future with new owner.
Some new earring hangers were made.
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okvir za uhane Note / earring holder Notes, 37 x 49 cm |
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