ponedeljek, 23. december 2013

Naredi sam: Novoletne voščilnice 2013 / DIY: New Year's greeting cards

črn papir
paus papir
bel flomaster
zlat in bel papir in luknjač
obojestranski lepilni trak

We need:
black paper
paus paper
white marker
gold and white paper and perforator
double-sided tape

Papir narežemo na poljubno velikost voščilnic, paus papir pa v obliko trikotnikov.
Cut the paus paper into size of greeting cards by your choice. Cut the paus paper into triangular shape.

Z belim flomastrom na paus papir narišemo veje smreke.
Using white marker draw pine branches on the paus paper.

Na "smrečice" nanesemo lepilni trak.
Place double-sided tape on "spruces".

Prilepimo jih na črn papir.
Glue them on black paper.

Z luknjačem izdelamo zlate in bele krogce.
Make gold and white circles using perforator.

S pomočjo zobotrebca nanesemo pikice lepila na voščilnico.
Using a toothpick place some small amount of glue on greeting cards.

Nanj položimo krogce.
Place the circles on the glue.

Vse, kar morate narediti zdaj, je napisati svoje želje tisti, ki bodo voščilnice prejeli.
All you have to do now is write your wishes to those the cards will be send to.

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