Strop, stene in mize lahko okrasimo s preprosto papirnato girlando.
črn in bel papir
luknjač za papir
črn in bel sukanec
šivalni stroj
We can decorated a ceiling, walls and tables with a simple garland.
We need:
black and white paper
black and white sewing thread
sewing machine
črn in bel papir
luknjač za papir
črn in bel sukanec
šivalni stroj
We can decorated a ceiling, walls and tables with a simple garland.
We need:
black and white paper
black and white sewing thread
sewing machine
z pomočjo luknjača izdelamo bele in črne papirnate krogce / punch black and white paper circles using a perforator |
krogce zašijemo s šivalnim strojem / sew circles with a sewing machine |
okrasitev stropa / decorated ceiling |
girlanda na robu mize / a garland on the table edge |
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