Posodice pripravimo tako, da zamesimo testo za pito, ga zvaljamo in zrežemo kroge. Zložimo jih v pekač za mafine in spečemo ter ohladimo.
Za bel mousse s cimetom že en dan prej nad vodno paro segrejemo sladko smetano, v katero nalomimo belo čokolado. Grejemo in mešamo toliko časa, da se čokolada stopi. V zmes vsujemo malo cimeta, nato pa jo postavimo v hladilnik, kjer naj se hladi celo noč.
Naslednji dan kremo stepemo z metlicami in z žlico ali brizgalko nadevamo v krhke posodice.
Baskets: prepare the dough for a pie, roll it and cut out circles. Place them on the baking tin for muffins, bake and let it cool.
White cinnamon mousse: put the cream and white chocolate into the dish and place it over another dish filled with water. Heat it up and stir till the chocolate has melted. Add some cinnamon and let it cool over night in the refrigerator.
The next day mix the cream and fill the baskets with.