Letos sem se odločila za pikaste pirhe. Bela jajca sem dala skuhat in medtem pripravila material:
vatirane palčke
lonček z vodo
podstavke za jajca.
This Easter I decided to make dotted easter eggs. I cooked white eggs and prepared the material:
cotton ear buds
glass with water
small glasses for the eggs.
Ko so bila ohlajena in osušena, sem zmešala turkizno barvo in vanjo pomočila vatirano palčko, s katero sem popikala jajca.
Nato sem zmešala drug, svetlejši odtenek turkizne in vse pirhe poslikala še z njim.
When the eggs were cooled and dry, I mixed turquoise colour and make dots on their surface using cotton ear buds.
Then I mixed brighter turquoise colour and painted the eggs.
Polovico jajc sem nato popestrila z roza, drugo polovico pa z rumenimi pikicami.
Half of the easter eggs I variegated with pink and the other half with yellow dots.
Super ideja! Zanima me, katere barve ste uporabili?
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :) Uporabila sem akrilne barve. Lahko izberete tudi tempera barve ali tiste, ki se dobijo prav za barvanje pirhov.